The Challenge

The challenge lay in visually communicating this dual mission: excellence in service and commitment to formal employment. This was no small task; we had to create a visual identity that conveyed the values and vision of a company seeking to become a brand.

Type of Project​

New Brand


Grooming platform



The Oportunity

Establishing the pillars of a brand requires a methodical process. With an understanding of the business, the audience, the market, and the situation of people working informally in this sector, we managed to discern where Jomie should be headed as a brand. With this understanding and after structuring the strategy, we were able to design a coherent graphic identity.

What did we do?

Research and Analysis​

Brand DNA​

Brand Personality​

Tone of Voice​

The Result

The visual identity was designed as an emblem of change, symbolizing the transition towards a model that not only offers exceptional cleaning services but also seeks to provide dignified and formalized jobs for the benefit of the community.

What did we do?

Brand Essence​

Mission, Vision, and Value Proposition​

Brand Look and Feel​


Web Design

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