Why are we
a workshop?

We embrace the title of ‘workshop’ because it goes beyond mere consultancy; like good hounds, we follow the trail of knowledge, academic and business excellence.

Always ready to learn and teach at the same time. Here, you will find a place where you can open your mind to the universe of design, innovation, leadership, creativity, and business…

Over the years, we have had the opportunity to create, facilitate, and lead more than 35 spaces for creation and training.

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Our talks, workshops, and circuits are like a hound’s meticulous searches, tracing the paths of innovation, leadership, creativity, design, and business. Join us in this exciting exploration of ideas and opportunities, where excellence is the destination and inspiration is the compass.

Brand Identity / Brand Strategy / Personal Branding / Luxury Branding / Brand DNA / Brand Positioning / Brand Architecture / Brand Audit & Analysis / Naming


It’s the discipline that bridges design and business.
Business Model / Market Entry Strategy / Value Proposition Design / Competitive Analysis / Organizational Design

Product Innovation / Process Innovation / Ideation for Innovation / Rapid Prototyping and Iteration / Open Innovation / Innovation Culture / Scrum

Creative Conceptualization / Creative Problem Solving / Design Sprints / Creative Trainings / Divergent and Convergent Thinking Techniques / Creative Collaboration / Design Research Methods

Customer Journey Mapping / Analysis and Design of Touchpoints / Co-Creation Sessions with Users / Service Prototyping

Narrative Development / Content Creation / Visual Storytelling / Brand Story Development

Social Media Marketing / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Content Marketing / Influencer Marketing

Market Research / Trend Analysis / Consumer Behavior / Market Segmentation / Insights Gathering

Packaging and Label Design / Packaging Prototyping / Packaging Innovation

User Experience (UX) Design / User Research and Testing / Information Architecture / Usability Evaluation / Experience Prototyping


Inspiring, Creative, and Learning Spaces

Some of the ones that make us most proud:


Practical spaces, with creative exercises for hands-on learning.

Some of the ones that make us most proud:


Series of classes to train/educate on a specific topic.

Some of the ones that make us most proud:



We design your own workshop, talk, or circuit, adjusting the focus and content to meet your specific needs. This ensures that, like a hound following a specific trail, you can find exactly what you are looking for.

We adapt to you, customizing our educational experiences so that your audience can open up to a world of growth and inspiration possibilities.


Are you ready
to inspire
your audience?

¿Nos necesitas? Escríbenos